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Tulsa Personal Injury LawyerOklahoma Injury Law What Are Some Examples of Negligence-Based Torts in Oklahoma?

negligence attorney in TulsaWhat Are Negligence-Based Torts?

Hi, this is Oklahoma attorney Mike Ashworth. When we think of torts, we often associate them with personal injury cases caused by car wrecks, nursing home negligence, and medical malpractice. However, there are other types of torts that can constitute negligence, such as assault and battery cases. In these cases, the victim is harmed through no fault of their own and may be entitled to punitive damages as a result.

Assault and Battery as Negligence-Based Torts

Assault and battery cases are becoming more common, with victims being attacked by hands, weapons, or even cars. In cases where the victim did not instigate the assault and battery and was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, they may have a viable negligence-based tort case.

If you have been a victim of assault and battery, it’s important to contact local law enforcement immediately and seek medical attention right away. Getting examined as soon as possible after the incident can strengthen your case, as can having photographs of your injuries and medical records.

Free Consultation

If you have been the victim of assault and battery, contact Mike Ashworth, a Tulsa Personal Injury Lawyer, for a free consultation. We can discuss the details of your case and determine if you have a viable negligence-based tort case. Don’t wait, call us today at (918) 924-5528.