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Tulsa Personal Injury LawyerOklahoma Injury Law Can I Sue Over a Vehicle Rollover Accident in Oklahoma?

vehicle rollover accident in OklahomaAccording to the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office, 7,323 people were involved in rollover accidents in 2014; 236 of those people were killed.

Rollover accidents happen when a vehicle tips over on its side or onto its roof.  Ninety-five percent of rollovers are caused by collisions with other vehicles or when the vehicle leaves the road and hits a curb or guardrail.  This called a “tripped” rollover accident in Oklahoma.

Rollovers caused by speeding and bad steering around winding roads – “untripped” rollovers – are rather rare in the Tulsa area.

All vehicles can roll over. However, automobiles with higher centers of mass and narrower axle tracks (such as SUVs), combined with more sensitive steering and increased speeds, are more prone to rollovers.  For instance, SUVs are more involved in rollover crashes than any type of automobile.

Since rollovers involve the car turning on its side or upside down, the possible resulting injuries are numerous.  A victim of a rollover accident in Oklahoma can suffer spinal injuries such as paralysis, broken bones, lacerations, brain injuries, bruises, and sprains.

Was My Rollover Accident in Oklahoma Caused By Another Driver?

If your rollover was caused because another car collided with yours, then you may be able to recover compensation from the other driver for your injuries.  In this case, the tripped rollover would be triggered by the other vehicle.

Your Tulsa car accident attorney, along with an expert witness, will develop a theory showing that the other driver breached his duty of care as a reasonable driver on Oklahoma roadways. They will seek to prove because of that breach, you suffered personal injury in Tulsa.

Was My Rollover Accident in Oklahoma Caused by a Manufacturing Defect?

On the other hand, if your rollover accident in Oklahoma occurred without the involvement of another vehicle, other types of defendants may be financially liable for your injuries.

For example, if you can show that a defect in the design of your vehicle caused the rollover, you may have a products liability lawsuit against the vehicle manufacturer.

Free Consultation:  Tulsa Car Accident Attorney

To find out if you might be entitled to compensation for injuries that resulted from a vehicle rollover accident in Oklahoma, contact a Tulsa car accident attorney at the Personal Injury Law Office of Tulsa today.

For a free, no-obligation consultation, call (918) 924-5528 or send your question using the email form on this page.