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Tulsa Personal Injury LawyerOklahoma Injury Law Can I Sue for Injuries from Latisse in Oklahoma?

injuries from latisse in OklahomaLatisse is a new drug being promoted on television and on the Internet by gorgeous celebrities claiming that it makes lashes grow thicker and fuller.

Most people do not know that Latisse was formerly known as Lumigan, a drug used to treat glaucoma. Lumigan lowers intraocular pressure in the eye.

When glaucoma patients reported another side effect was thicker, fuller eyelashes, the drug was remarketed under a new name and for a new purpose.  The U.S. Food and Drug Administration thus approved the use of Latisse for eyelash growth.

Some people have suffered injuries from Latisse in Oklahoma, and may be entitled to compensation through a Tulsa personal injury settlement or a lawsuit.

FAQ: Injuries from Latisse in Oklahoma

Latisse is an eye drop that is applied to the top lid of your eye.  Some patients develop side effects – some temporary and others permanent.

Latisse can change the color of one’s iris – the part of the eye that we identify with eye color.  Patients with green or blue eyes have experienced an eye color change when using Latisse.

Others develop skin infections, eye infections, such as conjunctivitis, keratitis (inflammation of the cornea), eyelid darkening, inflammation of the uvea (the middle layer of the eye), macular edema (fluid and protein deposits on and under the central area of the retina that distort vision), and changes in the intraocular pressure of the eye.

Some patients have had tissue growths on the sides of their eyes that have had to be removed through expensive cosmetic surgery.

Additional Considerations

A health care provider can be sued for injuries from Latisse in Oklahoma if it can be shown that he or she was negligent in prescribing the drug.

A Tulsa personal injury lawyer should meet with you to determine if your health care provider breached his duty of care as a reasonable physician. For example, did he properly research your medical history before prescribing Latisse?

Health care providers are just one potential defendant. Sometimes, large pharmaceutical companies will manufacture and market drugs while knowing they have very harmful potential side effects.

A Tulsa pharmaceutical injury attorney can also advise you whether this is the case under your circumstances.

Free Consultation:  Tulsa Pharmaceutical Injury Attorney

To find out if you might be entitled to compensation for injuries from Latisse in Oklahoma, contact the Tulsa pharmaceutical injury attorney at the Personal Injury Law Office of Tulsa today.

For a free, no-obligation consultation, call (918) 924-5528 or send your question using the email form on this page.