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Tulsa Personal Injury LawyerOklahoma Injury Law What Affects How Long My Tulsa Personal Injury Case Will Take?

Tulsa personal injury caseOnce you’ve decided to file a lawsuit against someone who has caused you to suffer an injury or damage to your personal property, you may undoubtedly be anxious to resolve the case quickly.

However, every Tulsa personal injury case is different and how long it takes to bring yours to an end depends on a number of factors, including:

1) how much medical treatment you will need,

2) the amount of damages you are seeking, and

3) whether or not your case will proceed to trial.

Medical Treatment

If you’ve been injured in an accident of any kind due to someone else’s negligence, your attorney will require that you provide detailed records of your medical treatment and relevant bills.

However, your attorney may choose to delay your Tulsa personal injury case until you’ve completed all medical treatment or have a reasonable estimate of how much your future medical treatment will cost.

This is so that you can ensure that you are compensated for the full amount of money you will need to treat your injuries.

Entering into settlement negotiations or even to trial too early can place limitations on how much you can actually recover, especially if you have more serious injuries.

Amount of Damages

If you’ve only suffered minor injuries, an insurance company or other defendant may be more likely to settle the case if you are asking for a smaller amount of money.

This is because the cost of litigating a case for a defendant may not be worth it financially if you are only seeking a few thousand dollars vs. a few hundred thousand dollars.

Settlement As An Option

Most cases resolve faster through a settlement negotiation process, during which your attorney and the defendant will negotiate a settlement offer.

However, if the other side is offering way below what you believe you deserve or there is a dispute as to who was at fault in the accident, your case may proceed to trial where a jury will decide how much you will receive.

Going to trial can significantly extend the life of your Tulsa personal injury case, but may be necessary in order to recoup everything you are owed.

Free Consultation: Tulsa Personal Injury Case

Filing a personal injury lawsuit can be a lengthy process and an attorney can help you navigate the various stages of the claim.

If you or someone you know has been hurt due to someone else’s negligence, please contact a Tulsa personal injury attorney to discuss your available legal options.

Consult with an experienced attorney at The Personal Injury Law Office of Tulsa, call today at (918) 924-5528, or call toll-free at 1-(888) 447-7262.

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